Our mentorship service is provided for young lawyers and paralegals to assist them to launch their practices. I have set up a number of lawyers who have been launched and supported from the start. The support is provided in different areas of law including the areas of law practiced in our law firm. We also provide guidance on client relations and marketing and many related business and public speaking and court room presentation skills which are vital and not addressed by academic institutions. We have an outstanding record of launching and supporting lawyers with different gender and cultural backgrounds who traditionally find it difficult to seek employment in larger firms. Our support to the profession extends also to the articling students whom we place with different lawyers in our mentorship group but provide a joint learning programme which addresses many issues not taught institutionally such as opposing counsel relationship, court room manners and preparation for court motions and hearings. We hold regular dinner meetings to meet other members of the group over dinner in the tradition of the English Bar where such dinner meetings are compulsory. I am a member of Lincoln’s Inn and encourage this tradition in Ontario and other jurisdictions where I lecture. We encourage young lawyers to inquire about this support programme.